New Single: Morjane Ténéré - ‘Higher’


French artist Morjane Ténéré blends Native American and West African influences on breathtaking debut single ‘Higher

Sitting somewhere between Aldous Harding and Aurora in terms of vocal playfulness, with a glorious traditional folk ilk, ‘Higher’ is an instantly captivating mantra of self-actualisation and intuitive thinking. Flutes, double bass, guitars and heart-stirring percussion work harmoniously to create an inviting atmosphere of utter serenity, as Morjane’s soaring vocal elevates with a lofty weightlessness as infinite as its title suggests.

Higher’ is the first single promised for an upcoming four-track EP, and if this offering is anything to go by, expect to be floored by Morjane’s earthy production and rich storytelling. Definitely an artist to put on your watch list, and we cannot wait to hear what’s next!